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Mersin Metropolitan Municipality - Liberation of Mersin

Client: Mersin Metropolitan Municipality

Creative Director: Sezai Mert Sak

Designers: Mert Sak

Animators: Mert Sak, Öznur Ölüç

Producer: Mert Sak

Project Background

A spectacular projection mapping show was organized and presented for the tent that was specially set up to commemorate the momentous occasion of Mersin's 100th anniversary of liberation from enemy occupation. The hearts and minds of the people of Mersin were captivated for an entire week by this grand event, leaving a lasting impression on everyone who attended. Advanced technologies and software tools such as Cinema4D and After Effects were employed to bring the vision to life. Every scene was meticulously designed and crafted in Cinema4D, ensuring that each detail was perfect and aligned with the artistic vision. The final touches and enhancements were added in After Effects, further enriching the visual experience for the audience.

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